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The Use Of Human Growth Hormone Releasers To Reduce Aging Signs!

Just like other things, the way people see HGH releasers has been tainted by how bad the media has portrayed all HGH products as being something that are used by cheating athletes. That is the only thing that people know about this products, famous athletes (like Lance Armstrong) using this substances to enhance their performances. However the truth is that there are so many useful benefits of human growth hormones that we don’t really hear about. You see when it comes to the real HGH there are so many uses for this substance in your normal life situations, it is not just for Olympic athletes and sportsmen. Now I want us to fully understand the distinction between HGH abuse and stimulating your body to produce more of its own hormone naturally and safely.

Going Natural Or Synthetic?

The natural and artificial form of HGH are both protein-based peptide hormones that trigger cell reproduction, regeneration and growth. The major difference is that the natural form is produced by the pituitary gland underneath the brain inside the human body while the synthetic kind as you guessed is produced in laboratory and is injected into the blood stream. In the beginning when athletes began using synthetic HGH is improved athletes performances tremendously and the Olympic committee had not figured out a way to know if athletes were using these artificial substances and so some athletes won medals by cheating. It was until the sports body started using sophisticated methods to catch drug cheats that the use of this substance by athletes reduced.

The truth is that the use of artificial HGH went on in competitive sports for as long as 30 years before scientist understood how to use blood test to know the difference between natural HGH and artificial ones and then the cheats were always caught including the infamous one called Lance Armstrong!

The Health Problems That Follow Synthetic Injections Use

The use of HGH injections are completely banned in sports not just because of the obvious reason that they give the users an unfair edge over other sports men, but because these substances are very dangerous. When it comes to using them for sports, there is always the chance that the sports man is going to overuse them. When this occurs the user would be dealing with irregular bone growth and serious kidney issues. This is why the purchase and use of this substance is banned. You are not allowed to inject human growth hormone by yourself. It is only a doctor that is allowed to do that.

So What Are The Benefits That People Gain From Human Growth Hormone?

Even though HGH injections come with well known risks, there are still so many individuals that are still making use of them. This is because increasing your body’s HGH levels revitalizes your entire body systems on a cellular level and this helps in reducing all the signs of anti aging all over your body. This also helps in increasing the strength of the heart muscles, encourages the production of lean muscle in all the muscle regions of the body. It is all these benefits that made this substance too juicy to be shunned. The moment these injections were banned, various companies rushed to discover how they can still get the benefits of increasing HGH levels without having to use injections.

Making Use Of HGH Products That Are Safe!

There is no need for you to inject either natural or synthetic HGH into your body because there are now products that help stimulate your body to produce more of its own natural human growth hormone. There are some ingredients that are known to effectively, efficiently and safely increase the amount of HGH that your pituitary gland produces on a daily basis. These compounds are: Arginine, L-Glutamine, L-Ornithine, Niacinamid, L-Lysine, OKG, GABA, L-Arginine and some others. A product that contains these effective ingredients inside them is GenFX. This is a video about this product. Asides from the fact that it contains an amazing mix of ingredients, there are so many middle aged and older women and men that recommend this product because of the amazing benefits that it gives when using them. If you are going to use HGH supplements, then make sure you look for a brand like GenFX that has effective ingredients and track record of satisfied customers. Here is a review video about this product.